TUTORIAL: Make your own Planet Earth II Intro
Be patient when downloading. It takes a moment to initialize!
Needed software:
1.) Unzip the Downloaded ZIP Folder.
2.) Open the "Planet Earth II.aep" After Effects File in After Effects
3.1) Change the title text in the “Title (EDIT TEXT IN HERE)”
composition but remove your last letter.
3.2) Change and position the last
letter in the “Title Last Letter (EDIT TEXT IN HERE)”
4.) Select the "Planet Earth II" composition.
Click "Composition", then "Add to Render Queue" or "Add to Adobe Media Encoder
4.2) Click the link next to "Output Module", then change the format
to H.264, Check "Audio Output" and click OK.
4.3) Click the link next to
"Output To" and select a folder to save to.
4.3) Click Render.
If you upload the intro you created, I'd be glad for some credits. Thanks.