Almost all my templates are designed for Blender Render, which was removed from Blender with version 2.8+. You need to use Blender 2.79b for these templates to work correctly.
I have covered the most common problems in this playlist:
Also check that:
- You unzipped/extracted the files from the ZIP folder
- You have updated all your software
- You chose the right settings and
save location at render
- You followed all the step in the tutorials
You tried the alternative template (if available): Sometimes, I make different
versions available. Check the links below the specific tutorial page on my
If you get format errors in After Effects, for example for MOV files "File is damaged or unsupported", make sure you have QuickTime installed, from For some older tutorials, you might also need the DivX Codec (only the codec) from
Should you have any other problems, contact me either via YouTube at or at my homepage.
In Adobe After Effects CC, it is no longer possible to render as H.264 directly from After Effects. You can choose two different ways to render in H.264.
Due to some problems with the new version of Blender, please use Blender
2.65a for this intro.
Download it from here:
If you can't change the frame number (mostly if you're using a small screen), watch this:
Due to some problems with the new version of Blender, please use Blender 2.69
for this intro (2.65a works too).
Download it from here:
If you can't change the frame number (mostly if you're using a small screen), watch this:
Make sure you install the provided font are are you Blender 2.79b.
When rendering with Blender, it will use 100% of your CPU power to compute the frames. You will see every single frame being put together. This can take many hours and your use of the computer will be limited! I recommend leaving it over night or when you are doing something else anyway. The time needed depends on your CPU power (cores/frequency). A notebook processor will multiply the render time needed.
PAUSING the render:
To pause the Blender render, click Help, then Toggle
System Console.
Then press the pause (or break) key on your keyboard.
resume, hit enter. Do NOT shutdown your computer or close the program.
Blender open and you can put the computer to sleep and resume afterwards.
SAVING: By default the file is saved in the same folder as the template files and is called something like 0001-0600.avi. Check the path listed under Output.
Make sure you have installed the font provided with the files. If Blender
still does not locate the font by itself, you can change the font manually.
Here's a tutorial on that:
If you need to adjust the font size, follow this tutorial:
If you're doing the 20th Century Fox intro with an old version of Blender and your letters flicker after rendering, follow this tutorial:
I have a short tutorial on rendering. Click here:
For After Effects CC or newer, watch this:
If hotkeys such as Shift + W do not work, make sure you do not have Caps Lock enabled.