TUTORIAL: Make your own 20th Century Fox intro with
Blender 2.7
Be patient when downloading. It takes a moment to initialize!
Tutorial on how to make your own custom 20th Century Fox intro using only Blender 2.7. You just need to donwload the files at Link1 and download blender at Link2 and follow my instructions. If you're good, it shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes to edit it. Have fun with it, and please link back to me if you post it.
Link1: Download template files (for Blender 2.7x)Alternative link1: Download template files (for Blender 2.5x and 2.6x)
Link2: Get
Blender (version 2.79b)
• Right click on the text to select it.
• Press the DEL-key and left click to confirm.
• Press the TAB-key to start editing.
• Edit
• Press the TAB-key to stop editing.
• Left click and drag the red and green squares to resize.
• Change to moving mode by left clicking the arrow.
• Select multiple objects by holding SHIFT and right clicking.
• Left click and drag the red and green arrows to move the object.
• Click File, Save As, and save your project file.
• Choose your desired resolution (leave it at Render Presets: HDTV 1080p for best quality)
• Choose your desired output format (leave it at H.264 for best compatibility)
• Click Animation
• Wait for a few hours.
• The file is by default saved to the folder where you unzipped the template files and is called 0001-0600.avi (600 frames).