TUTORIAL: Make your own Paramount Intro
Be patient when downloading. It takes a moment to initialize!
Software needed:
Adobe After Effects CS4 or newer (CS4, CS5,
Blender: Get Blender 2.79b
Getting started:
1.) Unzip the zip folder.
Editing the title:
1.) Open Paramount.blend in Blender 2.79b
Right Click the title.
3.) Press TAB
4.) Backspace the title out and type
your desired title.
5.) Press TAB 6.) Press Animation
1.) Open Paramount.aep in After Effects.
2.) To
change substitle, double click and edit
3) To change sound, toggle the
Speaker icon on your wanted soundtrack.
4.) Click Composition, Add to Render
5.) Click on Lossless and check Audio Output.
6.1) Click on Format
Options and if available, select H.264. If not, leave at no compression.
Click on Paramount.mp4 to choose the saving location.
7.) Then click
If you rendered without compression, compress with Windows Live Movie Maker
or XMedia Recode.
How to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQSgpkbY0jM
That's it. I hope you liked it and enjoy.
If you upload the intro you created, I'd be glad for some credits. Thanks.
Ballyweg - ballyweg.net